Rectal irrigation

What is rectal irrigation?

Rectal irrigation, also known as anal irrigation or trans-anal irrigation, is a practice that has been around for centuries. More recently, it has gained popularity as a solution for bowel management.

The process is simple: warm tap water is instilled into the rectum through the anus and then expelled, effectively emptying the colon.

Studies have shown that regular rectal irrigation can help prevent faecal incontinence and constipation, as well as reducing the amount of time spent on bowel management. It is an effective method of maintaining bowel function and improving the overall quality of life.

Rectal irrigation should be performed on a regular basis (usually daily or every other day) to achieve full continence and prevent constipation. It is a reliable, easy, quick, and hygienic option for bowel management, allowing you to live life without worrying about your bowels.

Who is it for?

Rectal irrigation is used to treat constipation or faecal incontinence. These symptoms can occur for many reasons including:

  • Functional bowel disorders – such as irritable bowel syndrome, slow transit constipation
  • Neurogenic conditions – such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury or spina bifida
  • Following surgery – such as low anterior resection
  • Evacuation difficulties – such as rectocele

What can I expect? 

Rectal irrigation is generally performed on a regular basis (daily or every other day) to achieve full continence and prevent constipation. It is a reliable, easy, and hygienic option for bowel management.

You can choose the time and place of evacuation, reduce the amount of time spent on bowel management and overall improve your quality of life, allowing you to live life to the full without worrying about your bowels.

It’s important to remember that rectal irrigation may take time to get used to, but the results will be well worth it. You might see stool in the toilet or pass dark brown water, don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results.

The process of irrigation varies from person to person, depending on your symptoms and the product you use. It can take time to find the right routine that works for you. By persevering, you can find relief from your bowel symptoms and get on with your life.

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